Computer Tip – Watchout Opening Email Attachments – Even From Friends!
I had a customer recently that got infected after opening an e-mail attachment from a friend. They had been exchanging updates to a document, but in the last email, the attachment’s extension somehow had been changed & the attachment would not open. My customer clicked/searched online to find an appropriate program & then got infected.
Here is an example of what happened:
Normal Microsoft Word Attachment – Document.doc
Attachment With Wrong Extension – Document._doc
Once the viruses/spyware were cleaned out, we were able to Save As the document to the desktop, rename the extension & then the document opened just fine!
Also, I am sure you all know that UPS, FedEx, IRS, banks, etc. won’t be sending you notices about a package or items unless you are expecting something from them, so DO NOT OPEN ATTACHMENTS FROM BUSINESSES UNLESS YOU DO BUSINESS WITH THEM! Always use caution!