Computer Tip – Recovery Disks
Did your computer come with any CD’s or DVD’s? Most computers bought today do not come with Windows reinstall DVD’s. You are expected to know that you need to make them in case your harddrive crashes or you need to reinstall from scratch!
Here is a link from Dell that may explain more about this & what options you have –
I recently had a customer with a failing harddrive & was able to make recovery DVD’s & backup their data so we could reinstall on a new harddrive. It took 3 DVD’s for this Dell tower, but I have seen as many as 5 DVD’s for recovery DVD’s
You can Google on how to make System Recovery Disks for your computer.
If you would like my assistance, I am certainly available!
Ray Bowyer, Computer Consultant
My Facebook Business Page – Ray Bowyer, Computer Consultant, 208-631-7527